
The content, sites and services below are highly recommended and FREE.  Like us, you may not be able to avoid making a donation if the spirit moves you: - A pretty amazing search engine for all sorts of free genealogy databases...  Some overseas data is also available... - Compare DNA and GEDCOM files across ftDNA Family Finder, 23andMe Relative Finder, and DNA platforms - AWESOME and FREE.

Rutgers Computational Genetics - Autosomal DNA tools and general data...

SNP Search - National Institutes of Health - NCBI Databases - Uses only official RS designation, not i or or VG or other designations.

Cindi's List of DNA Resources and Tools - Too cool to explain...

Family Tree DNA - Autosomal Transfer - You can upload your raw data for free and do limited comparisons and reporting.  [Full unlocking is only an added $19]

European Records - Resources by country in Europe.